Posted by: dutchimport | March 15, 2009

Style I admire

After my last pretty serious post, I thought I’d lighten up the mood a little. Inspired by this months “The 10 Most Stylish Men in America” in GQ, I thought I would post about who’s style I admire, would like to imitate, or make my own. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe I have my own style, even though it has become more and more Americanized. I feel I still have that European style coming through in the way I dress and act, mixed with some things I like from my adopted country America. So here we go, in random order, this is what I like, not just the clothes, but the look, the attitude, the statement…just what I like, nothing more!

No explanation needed

No explanation needed

I love the basic Henley shirt

I love the basic Henley shirt

Love him or hate him...I like his style

Love him or hate him...I like his style

Not manicured, tattoos and just enough men's jewely

Not manicured, tattoos and just enough men's jewely

George makes gray hair look good! And he really knows how to wear a suit!

George makes gray hair look good! And he really knows how to wear a suit!

I love wearing suits, traditional, or more casual with the tie a little loose

I love wearing suits, traditional, or more casual with the tie a little loose

Simple white V-neck t-shirt on jeans is one of my favorites

Simple white V-neck t-shirt on jeans is one of my favorites

V-Neck on jeans, and man, he has perfect hair

V-Neck on jeans, and man, he has perfect hair

Perfect combination of casual mixed with classic

Perfect combination of casual mixed with classic

The half long hair, beard, and exotic look

The half long hair, beard, and exotic look

The italian look on a classic British guy

The italian look on a classic British guy

Great combination on stylish British Hugh Dancy

Great combination on stylish British Hugh Dancy

One of the most stylish guys at the moment...and I love that he brought the fedora back

One of the most stylish guys at the moment...and I love that he brought the fedora back

As a man with chest hair myself, I love it that more adds appear with men showing chest hair instead of always bare chest models

As a man with chest hair myself, I love it that more adds appear with men showing chest hair instead of always bare chest models

Nothing I need to say about James Dean...

Nothing I need to say about James Dean...

James is just cool

James is just cool

And me:

Love a suit (and a drink and a smoke)

Love a suit (and a drink and a smoke)

Combination of some stuff

Combination of some stuff

I like my glasses

I like my glasses

I like green, simple t-shirt and jeans

I like green, simple t-shirt and jeans

I like wearing simple loose shirts with jeans

I like wearing simple loose shirts with jeans

Loose shirt, simple necklace

Loose shirt, simple necklace

That’s it! And yes, I’m a little vain;)


  1. And you’re just as stylish as the rest of the guys on your list.

  2. Thank you Steven! You just made my day;)!

  3. You’re not just stylish but handsome as well.

  4. very possible the best lookin’ man pictured. very handsome (but where’s thechest hair)….

    great post.

  5. Yay, a fellow vain man 🙂 I must say the simple loose shirt and jeans works wonders for pretty much any occasion. Although of all the styles I like the “Perfect combination of casual mixed with classic” look the best. Makes me wanna go shopping now :_

  6. sos bello!!!!!! cuantos años tenes?? novia?j ajaja

  7. my good you’re hot.

  8. Yes you are right, you are extremely vain! and you won’t keep looking that way if you keep it up with the alcohol and cigarettes but i do like some of what you were wearing and i might print your pictures out, take them to a clothes shop and point out what you are wearing, so thanks for the idea’s 🙂

  9. nice nice nice……

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